Here I answer the most frequently asked questions about my work:

Can I hire you as a discussion moderator for my event?

Yes, you can! Language is my passion, whether written or spoken.

Thanks to several years of experience in conducting interviews, as well as various speaker training courses, I am ideally qualified for this task. I repeatedly receive feedback from guests that they particularly appreciate the quality of my questions, because I don't just ask questions to get answers. I believe that the quality of the questions determines the quality of the answers, so if you want to get an in-depth answer, you can't ask a superficial question.

I have also moderated various events that have been livestreamed on YouTube. If you want to see my work, check out this poetry discussion I hosted and a reading with Benedict Wells..

Please send your moderation request to: kontakt@juliazieschang.de

Can I order a signed book from you?

Thank you so much for reading my stories. It means an incredible amount to me. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I can't send out signed books. But I do give away signed copies every now and then on my social media channels or via my newsletter.

Can you feature me/my book in your podcast?

Unfortunately, that is not possible either. But I am very happy that you listen to Bücher & Sonntage and are interested in my podcast.

How did you get into writing?
When I had several months free before I started my studies, I said to myself: "It's now or never" and wrote down my first story. Since then, new ideas have been coming to my mind all the time, so I hope to write many more books in the future.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Every writer's favorite question. wink Unfortunately, there is no place where I can go to get some inspiration. Usually, an idea just pops into my head out of the blue and won't go away. I think about it all the time what is always a good indicator it is worth writing down.
Do you plan the plot of your books or rather just write spontaneously?
To be honest, I'm pretty bad at planning. Usually, I know the beginning of the novel and how I would like a story to end, but everything in between is mostly a surprise for me as well. Sometimes it even happens that I have to rewrite part of the book because of a character who behaved differently than I expected in the beginning.
What do you enjoy writing more: fantasy or romance novels?
Of course, a mix of both! Since I am someone who is very versatile and can hardly commit to things, I could never write exclusively fantasy or romance novels.

With fantasy, anything is possible, but in my experience, you have to be careful with the plot to avoid any paradoxes and stay true to the rules and laws that govern this world. With romance novels, the plot is more straightforward because everything is real and familiar, but it requires a lot more research beforehand so that the settings and backgrounds are also described correctly.

Will the e-book "XY" be also available in print?
That depends primarily on you. The higher the interest in the e-book the higher the probability the publisher will also publish a paperback.








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